At times i feel like the quote "Jack of all trades, master of none" was thought up to describe my art. I look at other artists websites and blogs and they just seem sooo focused and directed at one specific style of art and often one medium. I don't know if it's my personality or my inability to find enough of the same sort of work to keep myself in business but since the day I graduated from MassArt my art has been all over the board. I've done portraits, architectural illustration, landscapes, pet portraits, logos, children's book, chapter books, editorial illustration, realistic Fantasy, comic art, caricature, banner art, greetings cards, etc. etc. Well now I'm adding yet another chapter as I officially finished my first Hand painted sign. In this week if you had looked into my studio you would see a huge sign being painted on one table with big brushes, sloppy tubs of paint, rulers, projector, table saw, screws, wood, gesso etc. on another table you would find my small black and white watercolors for my newest Samantha book with tiny brushes, watercolor paper and a small tin of paints, and if you caught me at the right time you would find me on the computer working on my newest logo design, sketching, inking, scanning, photoshopping, inkscaping, and in all cases e-mailing clients.
I wonder if anyone else ever has that moment of asking oneself "WHAT AM I?!!!" Am I a children's illustrator who does other kinds of art on the side or am I all of these things at once? I can't say i really know the answer to that and I suppose that is why my business cards say Illustrator/Artist. Whatever I am I hope to one day narrow my artistic path but for now I've enjoyed being a part of so many different projects. It's a bit like being at a theme park and trying all of the rides before deciding which one you like the best. I'm a children's illustrator at heart. That is what I've spent the majority of my time studying, researching, working on and admiring and yet I don't think I will ever get rid of the urge to paint landscapes. Regardless of all of that I had a great time working on this sign and seeing what is possible with a little patience and a steady hand. I wasn't sure if I had it in me but now that it's done I'm so glad I had the opportunity! Here's some process photos! The business is "North East Computer Systems Inc" in Lyndonville, VT