Thursday, January 6, 2011

Weird Mediums II

For a previous post about weird mediums go HEre
Often times I am painting and get frustrated in trying to paint the whites of a characters eye with a brush that won't cooraperate or trying to get the fingers on a hand painted just right at a small size. Those frustrations are nothing compared to the sculpture art below!

How awesome that someone would think to turn trash into art. It's been done plenty before with old hubcaps, found stuff murals and such but this is waay cooler!

Since the first time I saw sand art it amazed me. SO simple looking and yet so beautiful when pared with music and story and animation. The light shinging up behidn it reminds me of when I would put my oil paintings against a windo and see the light shinging thorugh creating unexpected patterns of light and a brightness and life in the art.

I've posted about eclectic asylum art before but he's worth anothe rpost because he has some great stuff.

well, time for lunch, that's all for now.

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