Thursday, February 2, 2012

"A Cloudy Day" : Part Three

So this is a book I've been working on for the past four months or so. In my last post I expected to have the illustrations practically done in two more weeks. I sent the client all of the images as they were at that time. They all had skies colored as in the image below.
The client didn't like the skies. So I spent the past couple of weeks repainting the skies throughout the whole book. The color sample stage is designed specifically to avoid going through this sort of thing. But it doesn't always work that way.
Two weeks later and I do now have approval on the images so far. Lot's more to do but I can now see the end in sight. I've now started work on my next children's book "Pigs under the Post Office" and will soon be starting work on my second chapter book in the "Samantha" series with Daisy Griffin. YEah!!!!! I should also finally be finishing off the BBQ logo this month.  With a bunch of other potential projects floating on the horizon.


John Voss said...

The client signs the checks... but I think you were correct the first go 'round. I like the contrast of the slightly darker, more colorful sky. Ah, well... We can't win 'em all.

Matthew Gauvin said...

Thanks John, I couldn't agree more! Every now and then we just have to listen to the client above our own judgment. Sometimes clients agree with us and that's awesoem but sometimes they have their own opinions and ideas that maybe we don't like as much but at the end of the day they are the one paying for the work. I've held my ground every now and then when I feel it's important but in this cae i knew the blue would look fine too so I just went with it. Now the client is super excited and I'm still happy so I would say it was a good decision.